AmigaOS 3.9 BoingBag #1 is installed by default -There is a nice Amplifier skin -the author included a well layed out, and eye candy L shaped dockbars created with Toolmanager DISLIKES -Resource pig. There are many GlowIcons which are DraCo themed, they look very good. LIKES -Some custom desktop wallpapers with DraCo themes are included. Also, installation instruction are not so clear and there is no mention of hardware requirements. No hardware requirements are mentioned whatsoever, and the english docs are clearly not very well written. The only documentation is only available on the cdrom itself, both in german and english, but it does not come with any printed information. DOCUMENTATION To begin with, documentation is scarce and lacking in many areas. Finally you are asked to remove both floppies and cdroms from the DraCo, and coldboot to end the installation.

At some point the installation script will prompt you to insert the original AmigaOS 3.9 cdrom in order to update the DraCo AmigaOS. Later, you will need to copy the WORK and Workbench files to your partitions by double clicking on two icons set for those purposes. Two partitions are required: "Workbench" for system files, and "WORK" for additional application programs. Now you will have to partition and format the drives.

The DraCo will now boot from the RAD: volume. Afterwards, you will be required to eject the floppy and warm reset the DraCo. Afterwards, you will have to boot the DraCo from this floppy, and it will start copying a lot of files to ram, to a recoverable boot volume (RAD:). INSTALLATION To begin with, you are assumed to have a working DraCo System installed, from which you will have to create a bootable floppy with the contents of the BOOTDISK drawer present on the DraCo OS3.9 cdrom. And if you have less than 24MB you are certainly asking for trouble.ĭraCo Vision (aka DraCo cube), 80 Meg Fast RAM. So unfortunately, DraCos with Altais Plus, or other graphic cards, are not supported. But nothing is so simple: to be able to use this customized AmigaOS distribution, 24 MB of ram, about 200 MB of HDD space, and an Altais graphics card are required. SPECIAL HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS A MacroSystem DraCo is of course required. Owners of previous DraCo OS3.5 cdrom can upgrade by paying 30.17 euros. Either you are required to send a proof of purchase of these other two cdroms, or you can just buy from them, of course, at an additional fee (AmigaOS 3.9 = 45.51 euros & CyberGraphX v4.x = 25.05 euros).
But you must be a legal owner of AmigaOS3.9 and CyberGraphX v4 to install and use DraCo OS3.9. A custom configured AmigaOS 3.9 cdrom for the MacroSystem DraCo.Īddress: Wiehagenerstr.